IEA Sinnissippi Social Justice

In this time of great change, many of our members have become active in various causes. Some of our members want to be involved but are uncertain how they can be. This page has been created as a resource in an effort to organize the many actions into one place and maximize union support and coordination. The resources included are not all specifically endorsed by IEA. Your involvement is a personal choice.

If you would like to add an event, promote or start a committee around your cause within the union ranks, please email the info to:

****click through on the calendar to the original event links to confirm dates and times in case of any last minute changes.

Not sure how to resist? This list could help you begin. Below are many organizations that you can volunteer for, donate to, and read up on to stay informed.

State & Local

Citizen Action-IL – is the state’s largest public interest organization. Building on over a decade of experience, Citizen Action/Illinois is a key player in the fight for social and economic justice at the state and national levels. Citizen Action/Illinois works hard to hold our elected officials accountable on these issues every day in the State House and in the Congress.

United for Democracy Now – A clearing house of organizations working on all issues and at all levels of government and fighting for social and economic justice, getting big money out of politics, fair elections, and a healthy planet

Women League of Voters – Rockford – The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.

Indivisible – Rockford – We believe that protecting our values, our neighbors, and ourselves will require mounting a coordinated resistance to the Trump agenda — but a resistance built on the values of inclusion, tolerance and fairness.
We welcome ALL persons interested in learning the best practices for making Congress listen to you to accomplish these goals.

Represent Us -Rockford – We believe that protecting our values, our neighbors, and ourselves will require mounting a coodinated resistance to the Trump agenda — but a resistance built on the values of inclusion, tolerance and fairness.  We welcome ALL persons interested in learning the best practices for making Congress listen to you to accomplish these goals.

Unity in Diversity-Rockford – Join with others who are willing to have your back and will appreciate you having their back. WE WILL NOT BE DIVIDED. We will stand up to the forces that seek to sow divisiveness. We will support and protect one another

Rise Up Rockford – This new web site is a platform for all our area, to bring attention to the work they are doing, to use a shared calendar and place to blog about past events. To be successful we need to grow our groups. Together we can be stronger!

PFLAG Rockford’s mission is to offer support, education and advocacy. We are the extended family of the LGBTQ community. We’re made up of LGBTQ individuals, family members and allies. Because together, we’re stronger.

Political Issues

American Civil Liberties Union -One of the oldest civil rights organizations in America, the ACLU supports constitutional freedoms and liberties, defending and litigating attempts by the government and private actors to encroach on these rights. The ACLU has been critical in preparing briefs and coordinating legal and public opposition to President Trump’s unconstitutional Executive Order on immigration.

The Sixty-Five –  A daily and weekly call to action. This is a website that will provide you a pre-selected subject, a script, and the contact information for your representatives, allowing you to easily and effortlessly make your voice heard. These suggested messages change frequently, so check back on a regular basis for updated recommendations.

Move On –  A long time progressive pressure group, Move On has been influential in rallying political action and harnessing passion, and was founded during the Clinton Impeachment in 1998.

GovTrak – An excellent website for tracking the progress of legislation through Congress and looking up voting records of representatives. You can sign up for daily email updates on specific legislation, legislators, or topics.

GrabYourWallet –  An exhaustive list of organizations, businesses, and groups with financial and other business connections to President Trump or the Trump Organization. Includes contact information for executives and management so that you can communicate your disappointment at their support and intent to boycott, if so you choose.

People for the American Way – For more than three decades, we’ve been working with over one million members and activists to fight right-wing extremism and defend constitutional values under attack. Today, our mission is more critical than ever.